"Death happened immediately": Genaue Todesursache von DMX bekannt

DMX ist eine Legende in der Hip-Hop-Branche und verstarb am 9. April diesen Jahres im Alter von nur 50 Jahren an einem Herzinfarkt. Grund dafür soll eine Überdosis gewesen sein. Vor zwei Tagen berichtete das Magazin Vulture über die genaue Todesursache des Rappers: „DMX officially died from a cocaine-induced heart attack that caused a lack of blood circulation to his brain, a source from the Westchester County medical examiner’s office told Vulture“.

Weitherhin heißt es: „An analysis of Simmons’s urine showed the presence of cocaine. The medical examiner’s office did not perform an autopsy, as they had determined the cause of death based upon documentation furnished by medical professionals and police, the source said“, so „Vulture“. „The source explained that someone had called for emergency help at 10:03 p.m. on April 2, and paramedics were dispatched one minute later. They arrived on the scene at 10:09 p.m. and started trying to revive Simmons at 10:10. There was about a 30-to-40-minute interval between the arrival of paramedics and Simmons’s arrival at the hospital. Although his heart was revived at one point and there was a pulse, his brain was already dead“.

Nach seiner Einlieferung ins Krankenhaus soll der Rapper, trotz einer frühen Diagnose des Hirntods, weiter behandelt worden sein. Aus dem künstlichen Koma ist er jedoch nicht mehr erwacht. Nach „Vulture“ soll sich die Familie von DMX wie folgt geäußert haben: „Earl was a warrior who fought till the very end. He loved his family with all of his heart, and we cherish the times we spent with him. Earl’s music inspired countless fans across the world, and his iconic legacy will live on forever“. Auch zahlreiche Kolleg*innen und Fans trauerten um den Rapper.

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