Foxy Brown unterschreibt Management Deal bei Black Hand Entertainment

Female Mc Foxy Brown hat einen Management Deal bei Black Hand Entertainment unterschrieben. Die Rapperin aus Brooklyn, die zurzeit an ihrem neuem Album „Black Roses“ werkelt, ist vor allem vom Black Hand CEO Chaz Williams begeistert:

„I needed to connect with a person who understood my struggle completely from where I came to where I traveled today. Chaz is an aggressive businessman who has overcome adversity and roadblocks his entire life, I need a person who can relate to real struggle and who has experience in moving beyond at the most difficult times.“

Auch Chaz selber zeigt sich begeistert:

„I think Foxy is an incredible talent and one of the fiercest female MC’s of all time. Her skills and work ethic are undeniable and she has a determination to succeed that I respect. Her focus is keen, and her music speaks for itself. With the return of her hearing, I think she will have the greatest comeback story since Mimi“.

Außerdem soll noch vor Erscheinen von „Black Roses“ ein Street Album und eine Promo Tour in Angriff genommen werden.