GoldLink wirft Mac Miller vor seinen Style kopiert zu haben

GoldLink hat Mac Miller in einem Post auf Instagram vorgeworfen, dass er seinen Style kopiert haben soll. Wie aus dem Nichts hat GoldLink den verstorbenen Künstler in einem langen Text auf Instagram kritisiert. Auf Instagram schreibt der Rapper in einem Post folgendes: Mac Miller soll den Song „Unique“ von GoldLink und Anderson .Paak sehr gefeiert und ihn rauf und runter gehört haben. Der Ex-Freund von Ariana Grande hätte ihm sogar nach einer Show einen Kuchen geschenkt um ihm für diesen starken Sound zu gratulieren. Im Nachgang wirft der Rapper, welcher mit seiner Single „Crew“ berühmt geworden ist, Mac Miller allerdings vor, dass er den Style seine Albums „And After That We Didn´t Talk“ auf dem Album „Divine Feminine“ komplett kopiert haben soll. Er sagt, dass Mac Millers Album eine exakte Blaupause seines eigenen Albums sei.

„After That We Didn´t Talk“ von GoldLink hier auf Amazon bestellen


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Mac Miller I’d be lying if I said I was surprised to hear that you died on us. Not because you were necessarily troubled, but because you were special and because of that, you were troubled. At your peak, you were the archetypal rapper all of us wanted to be; which was independent. But also just a kid with really bright eyes about life. I’ll keep it short because I want to continue our conversation for when it’s my time to go. But I think what made you and I special is that we weren’t always on the best terms. So I didn’t always have great things to say about you. When we were on the GO:OD AM tour, I played you my album “and after that we didn’t talk”, and you thought it was absolutely incredible. I released it under the“Soulection” label and the single for my album was called “Unique” ft. Anderson Paak, and that was your favorite song at the time. You loved it so much that you made the entire tour party listen to it, and surprised me with a cake after my set. I always thought you drove yourself insane about your own music. So much that, you would adopt styles as homage to those around you that you loved. That’s where our problem started. Divine Feminine was an actual blueprint of “and after that we didn’t talk”. Your single was called “Dang!” Ft. Anderson Paak…you had Souelction support you on the Divine Feminine tour and when I tried to contact you, about anything at all…you never hit me. A close mutual friend ended up just hittin’ my DJ saying “listen man, we love Link, but we just had to do what we had to do. And Mac said if he needs a verse at anytime, he got him” We are family, you could always call me. Afterwards, we seen each other at Coachella, and you put your head down like an innocent child, but I told you to pick it up and I hugged you like the brother you are to me. You were the first person brave enough to openly say “he’s dope.”, and gave me a platform. That meant more to me than anything else. 3 days before you died, I remember pullin up on you at the crib, walking in the house and seeing the Divine Feminine album plaque on the wall. I was so proud of you and what YOU created for yourself. And I’m forever grateful for that

Ein Beitrag geteilt von GoldLink (@goldlink) am

Nach diesen Anschuldigungen wird er nun auf Social Media Kanälen von vielen Personen in Kommentaren stark kritisiert. Dieser Post hat sogar dazu geführt, dass der R&B Sänger und Rapper Anderson .Paak, mit dem GoldLink und Mac Miller schon zusammen Musik veröffentlichten, ein Statement zum Thema abgegeben hat. In einem mittlerweile gelöschten Post auf Instagram schrieb Anderson .Paak, dass er nicht nachvollziehen könne, wieso der ursprünglich aus Virginia stammende Künstler Mac Miller jetzt so stark kritisiert. Er könne sich nicht mit den Aussagen von GoldLink identifizieren und würde es nicht gut heißen, dass er einen verstorbenen Freund scheinbar grundlos dermaßen kritisiert. Der genaue Post lautete:

@goldlink I would imagine yo weird a** posted up somewhere just like this when you decided to make that disrespectful, narcissistic, jealous grossly unnecessary post. Why would you do it I can’t even understand it. Maybe your belt was wrapped around your Gotd**m waist too tight or maybe it was the choker cutting off the circulation off to the brain but since you felt it necessary to bring me up twice and my boy ain’t here to respond ima say it like this.

weiterführend hieß es: “You ain’t the first to make an album inspired by a relationship, you ain’t the first to make a song featuring Anderson .Paak but you are the first to disrespect my friend who is no longer here for absolutely no reason and I can’t stand for that.

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